Summer semester of 2021: Easing into the start of the semester
| 25. Februar 2021
The next semester is nearly upon us: We share tips and tricks for a successful beginning of the semester and offer prize draws to win T-shirts and a language course. (©
University – a whole new universe? Tips, important dates and services to help you have a successful start into the summer semester.
Administrative details
The semester and the lectures start on 1 March 2021: (overview of important dates in the academic year). Information about the admission procedure and about the application and admission periods are available on the website "Studying at the University of Vienna".
Paying the tuition fee/Students’ Union (ÖH) fee: In order to continue your studies in the summer semester, you will need to pay your tuition fees/Students’ Union fee. There are several payment options. For information about continuing your studies if you have already paid your tuition fee/Students’ Union fee at another Austrian university, please visit the website Studying at the University of Vienna.
Please note: If you make a payment via online banking or payment form, it can take up to seven working days for the payment to show as paid in the account information in u:space under "Financial matters > Tuition fee/Students’ Union fee". As soon as we have received your payment, you can validate your u:card – the University of Vienna’s student ID card – for the current semester at one of the u:card terminals.
Studying remotely
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the summer semester will still be characterised by studying remotely. Digital formats currently provide the greatest planning security. Everything you need to know about studying remotely. (© Barbara Mair)
If I have questions about my degree programme, who can I ask?
The best contact points for particular questions during your studies are the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS) or the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) as well as the students’ representatives of your degree programme (e.g. for subject-related information about studies and the range of courses, the registration system, registration and de-registration deadlines, exams, recognition of exams and graduation).
The Teaching Affairs and Student Services team informs you about the admission to degree programmes, tuition fees, the entrance exam procedure/aptitude tests and general study matters via their website, information events or contact form, or by e-mail and phone.
TIP: u:space accompanies you through the semester
The u:space portal offers you all the services you need for comfortably organising your university life online. You can pay your Students’ Union fee, download your documents (such as your student record sheet, transcript of records, confirmation of enrolment) and register for courses and exams via u:find, etc. Our detailed video tutorials help you organise your studies. (© Barbara Mair)
Introductory and orientation period (STEOP)
At the University of Vienna, there is an introductory and orientation period (STEOP) in the first semester of the majority of our bachelor’s and teacher education programmes as well as of the two remaining diploma programmes (Law, Catholic Theology). The STEOP gives students an insight into their degree programme, so that they can make up their minds whether the subject will meet their expectations and whether they can meet the programme requirements. Completing the STEOP is a prerequisite for continuing with their studies.
In addition, orientation courses at the beginning of the semester help you plan your first semester and provide important information about your degree programme at the University of Vienna.
READING RECOMMENDATION: “10 things I wish I had known before starting university”
Starting and continuing your studies is sometimes tricky. Therefore, it helps to know where to find the information you are looking for and who can provide assistance if you have problems. The Teaching Affairs and Student Services unit has collected some tips based on many talks with new entrants. Here are the 10 best ofs: “I wish I had known that earlier”, by Barbara Hamp. (© Barbara Mair)
Any questions left unanswered?
At the counselling centre of the Austrian National Union of Students at the University of Vienna, you find the answers and/or the right contact details to help you with unusual queries. And: This is where you get the popular cafeteria sticker (Mensen-Pickerl, giving you a EUR 0.80 discount off every menu in the Mensa) as well as the Kopierpickerl (copying sticker) (reduced copy card of the Austrian National Union of Students with 220 copies for EUR 10).
At the beginning of each semester, the (students’) representatives at the University of Vienna offer academic advising services for first-semester students, provide advice on the selection of courses, on the curriculum or on the exams that have to be taken, and much more.
You can also receive support and advice at the Psychological Counselling Services: it is free of charge, confidential and you can use it anonymously if you like.
TIP: Students tell their stories
You can go through your studies in one way or another. Especially at the University of Vienna, there are many ways through your degree programme. As part of the Humans of University of Vienna, students explain how they spend their everyday lives, what the gist of university life is and what incites them to study. (©
How do I plan my semester?
u:find serves not only as the online course directory but also as the online staff and unit directory of the University of Vienna. The course directory outlines all courses including information about the lecturers, registration procedures, e-learning and much more. Additional information about the topic of semester planning is available here.
READING RECOMMENDATION: How to study between your bed and a pile of laundry (in German)
Here you get useful tips and tricks on how to create your optimal studying environment at home, enhance well-being and achieve a better study-life balance. You need more? You can find more useful recommendations in the ‘Simplify learning’ series on the univie blog. (©
What comes after the bachelor’s programme?
For admission to a master’s programme, you need to have completed a bachelor’s (or diploma) programme in the same or a related discipline. Therefore, it is important to consider in which master’s programme you are interested already at the beginning of your studies. The Master Access Guide outlines which degree programmes you have to complete for admission to a particular master’s programme.
The blog article “5 steps for admission to a master’s programme” explains the most important steps for admission to a master’s programme.
Digital learning
The e-learning platform of the University of Vienna is called Moodle: On Moodle, virtual courses are set up to upload course material, allow communication between teachers and students or provide u:stream recordings. Many lecture halls at the University of Vienna are already equipped with u:stream, offering the possibility to stream courses.
READING RECOMMENDATION: How to settle in at the University digitally
This semester, most courses will be held in a digital format. This also means that the exchange, getting to know your fellow students and familiarisation with university life might not be the way you imagined. The blog article tells you everything about Moodle and Co. to support you in settling in at the University. (©
Getting to know my University
Unfortunately, guided tours of the University are currently not taking place. Everyone who would find their way around their new place of study by themselves can borrow an audio guide from the porter.
You can also explore the origins of the University of Vienna and its 650-year-long history online.
In cooperation with the Online Shop of the University of Vienna, uni:view offers you the chance to win 1 of 3 University of Vienna T-shirts (choice of colours: blue, grey or wine red). Just write an e-mail with the subject "T-Shirt + Color” to uniview.gewinnspiel(at) and keep your fingers crossed. The winners will be drawn by lot and notified by e-mail. (© University of Vienna)
Researching in the University Library
The Vienna University Library is Austria's largest library. At the same time, it is also the oldest university library in the German-speaking area, dating from 1365. It collects media in all academic disciplines taught at the University of Vienna.
The Main Library, located in the Main Building of the University on Universitätsring 1, is an inter-faculty and interdisciplinary library and, at the same time, also the central lending library of the Vienna University Library, holding approximately 2.7 million volumes.
The 38 special libraries stock 4.6 million books, journals, maps and other materials for teaching, research and studying.
Please note: Please consider the current regulations on library operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recreation: Sport and Music
Anyone wanting to sign up for one of the many low-cost sport courses and dancing classes offered by the University Sport Institute (USI) can browse the A-Z programme. The courses and classes either take place in a hybrid form or online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Vienna University Philharmonic consists of nine choirs and two symphony orchestras with more than 800 musicians and singers of all levels and age groups. This makes the Vienna University Philharmonic one of the largest choral and orchestral communities worldwide. The repertoire ranges from classical music to pop, world music, musical and jazz. You can find detailed information on the website.
Our diverse community: Studying at the University of Vienna means being part of a large and diverse community. About 89,000 students are currently pursuing a degree at the University of Vienna. About 27,000 of them are foreign students and come from 140 different countries.
Up to speed in languages
Arabic, English, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish are only 6 out of 33 languages that you can study at the Language Centre of the University of Vienna. All courses are currently held as distance courses. You can register online for the courses in the summer semester.
Stories about the topic of language learning and useful hints are available on the Language Blog. Tandem partners for having a conversation in a foreign language can be found on the Language Swap platform.
PRIZE DRAW: In cooperation with the Language Centre of the University of Vienna, uni:view offers the chance to win a language course in the summer semester of 2021 (value: EUR 395). Write an e-mail with the subject "Sprachkurs” to uniview.gewinnspiel(at) and keep your fingers crossed. The winners are drawn by lot and notified by e-mail. (© University of Vienna/Language Center)
Up to speed in IT
So that you stay up to date with the latest developments in picture editing, website design and word processing, the Vienna University Computer Center (ZID) offers IT courses every semester. The ZID IT Helpdesk provides support with university-specific IT services.
Other services for students offered by the University of Vienna include: The purchase of low-cost laptops (u:book sales promotion: 22 February until 21 March), u:account (e-mail address, web space, etc.) or the possibility to use the computer rooms.
TIP: Low-cost laptops for students
The u:book sales promotion for the summer semester of 2021 runs from 22 February to 21 March 2021. (© University of Vienna/Barbara Mair)
For those who work particularly hard
Students can apply for a merit scholarship and check previous applications in u:space under “Financial matters". There are also other grants and project sponsorship opportunities. A large number of other sponsorship opportunities are listed in the Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research Grants maintained by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD).
READING RECOMMENDATION: "Berufliche Pläne in unsicheren Zeiten” (professional plans in insecure times)
Karolina Niziolek, native of Poland and alumna of the University of Vienna, feels disadvantaged when looking for a job since German is not her first language. In her blog contribution, Karolina describes how she could talk about her career aspirations and master the current situation together with her mentor. (© Barbara Mair)
Gaining work experience
Gaining work experience is a valuable complement to your studies. The University of Vienna's careers service uniport provides information about a range of jobs and placements as well as advice on job applications. Targeted especially at students with disabilities, ABAk is a great opportunity to find placements or jobs directly after the completion of a degree programme.
The Erasmus+ programme makes traineeships abroad possible.
Students with children
Students who are also parents can use the services provided by the University of Vienna's Children's Office. These services include advice, child-minding or the Flying Nanny.
VIDEO: Presenting... early stage researchers
From atoms to the self-perception of ravens: In this video series, doctoral candidates of the University of Vienna present their work and tell us about their everyday life in research. Information about the doctoral schools of the University of Vienna.
Studying with special needs
Information for students with physical or mental impairments can be found on the Accessible Studies website. The Accessible Studying team is available to answer any queries about the accessibility of the university buildings or access arrangements for exams (e-mail: barrierefrei(at)
The University of Vienna also offers a grant for the specific support of students with impairments.
READING RECOMMENDATION: "Students with impairments
The Accessible Studying Team offers support.”
University life often becomes a particular challenge for students with physical or mental impairments. The Accessible Studying team advises and assists students with impairments and tries to prevent unnecessary obstacles before they can even occur. (© Barbara Mair)
Studying further afield...
Anyone who intends to study one or two semesters abroad as part of their degree programme will find the information they need at the University of Vienna's International Office. On their website, you will find information about application deadlines for ERASMUS+, Non-EU Student Exchange and many other mobility schemes.
READING RECOMMENDATION: “Most of my colleagues already knew which career path to take after completing the degree programme in Pharmacy, which prepares students for the profession of the pharmacist. The study abroad mobility schemes Non-EU Student Exchange Program and ERASMUS allowed me to look beyond the horizon of the “usual” job description during my diploma programme at the University of Vienna,” explains Stefanie, human of #univie. (©
Evaluating courses
The University of Vienna is very interested in feedback from its students and graduates. The results feed into the further development of teaching offers, the curriculum and services for students. Feedback is collected systematically via the Unit for Quality Assurance. Courses are methodically evaluated by students by means of study programme-specific questionnaires. The feedback is analysed and forwarded to our teaching staff, the directorates of studies and the Rectorate (information video).
VIDEO: Warum ist Feedback wichtig? (Why is feedback important?)
In research, feedback is self-evident and taken for granted. By promoting an active feedback culture, the University of Vienna aims at introducing students to academic practice. Feedback from teachers given to students provides information about the current level of knowledge and, therefore, serves as targeted learning support. Feedback from students given to teachers, in turn, can help teachers improve their teaching.
Up-to-date information everywhere
The University of Vienna's events calendar provides an overview of university events. News about the University of Vienna and information about current developments in academia can be found on the University of Vienna’s website, in the online magazine uni:view, on the univie blog, on the University of Vienna's Facebook page as well as on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. (red)
TIP: Engage in social debates
Each semester, the University of Vienna poses its academics a question that is of particular relevance for today’s society. The current semester question and the researchers’ answers are always made available from the beginning of the semester under (in German) as well as on social media under #SEMESTERFRAGE. As part of a cooperation with the daily newspaper, experts respond to the readers’ questions and comments. (©
*Conditions of participation for the University of Vienna’s online prize draws