Kyoto University: Joint Workshop on Research Cooperation
Gastbeitrag International Office | 11. September 2018From September 6 to 7 of 2018, representatives of Kyoto University and the University of Vienna gathered for a joint workshop to discuss current academic ties and intensify future research cooperation. The partner universities look back at more than 25 years of strong scientific exchange.

Kayo Inaba, Executive Vice-President for Gender Equality, International Affairs and Public Relations at Kyoto University and Jean Robert Tyran, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs at the University of Vienna, invited researchers from different scientific fields to participate in the workshop to discuss ways of intensifying future cooperation.

Jean Robert Tyran, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs at the University of Vienna, welcomed the guests to the University of Vienna and opened the floor for words of welcome, presentations and discussions.

Kiyoshi Koinuma, Ambassador of Japan to Austria, held a speech at the opening ceremony and welcomed all present guests. He pointed out the 150th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Austria in 2019 and emphasized on the importance of a continuing academic cooperation between both countries.

Isao Tanaka, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Kyoto University, welcomed the guests on behalf of Kayo Inaba, Executive Vice-President for Gender Equality, International Affairs and Public Relations at Kyoto University, who was only able to join the workshop for the second day due to typhoon Jebi.

Denise Quistorp, Envoy of the Austrian Federal Ministry, Europe Integration and Foreign Affairs, pointed out the importance of science diplomacy and intensive partnerships of research cooperation between both universities.

Representatives of scientific funding organisations, such as the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the Austrian Science Fund FWF and FFG Research Promotion Agency presented selected programs for third party funding. On the picture: Tomoko Deguchi from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Bonn Office, and Beatrice Lawal, FWF.

Lottelis Moser, Head of the International Office of the University of Vienna, and Janna Kazim, responsible for international cooperation at the International Office, presented current funding possibilities of the University of Vienna.

Kayo Inaba, Executive Vice-President for Gender Equality, International Affairs and Public Relations at Kyoto University, emphasised on the importance of continuity in research cooperation and tailor made exchange programs for both students and researchers (third from the left).

Three working groups met for separate group sessions and discussed possibilities of intensifying research collaborations. On the picture: Tecumseh Fitch and his colleagues from the working group "Cognitive Biology".

Wolfgang Mazal, Faculty of Law at the University of Vienna, joined the working group "Comparative Social Politics".

Researchers from the working group "Material Science" from left to right: Christoph Dellago, Georg Kresse, Isao Tanaka, Martijn Marsman, Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Engineering.

Atsushi Togo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University.

From left to right: Atsuko Kimura, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Koyto University; Janna Kazim, International Office, University of Vienna; Mariko Yoshida, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University and Takashi Muranaka, Professor, Faculty of Law, Koyto University.

From left to right: Takeshi Nishimura, Associate Professor; Hiroki Koda, Assistant Professor; Ikuma Adachi, Associate Professor; The Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University.

Representatives from both universities at the closing session. (© Hans Schubert)