6 Fragen an Zentrumsleiter Graham Warren
| 12. September 2012
Graham Warren, seit 2007 Leiter des Zentrums für Molekulare Biologie der Universität Wien, über die Entwicklungen, die er in den vergangenen Jahren begleitet hat, Englisch in der Lehre und sein wissenschaftliches Vorbild. (In Englisch)
1) You've been Head of the Center for Molecular Biology since 2007. What was your biggest success or personal milestone in those years? Which changes did you experience?
Hiring junior faculty and promoting middle and senior faculty. We now have a better age structure coupled with a flatter hierarchy and more transparent procedures.
2) What is your "favourite task" as Head of the Center for Molecular Biology?
Faculty Meetings since they are often lively.
| Univ.-Prof. Dr. Graham Warren, FRS, born 1948 in London, Head of the Center for Molecular Biology since 2007. 1969 BA and 1972 MA in the Natural Sciences Tripos, Cambridge. 1972 PhD in Biochemistry, Cambridge. 1972-1974 MRC Junior Research Fellow at the National Institute for Medical Research, London. 1974-1975 SRC Research Fellow, Department of Pharmacology, Cambridge. 1975-1977 Stothert Research Fellow of the Royal Society, Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge. 1975-1977 Research fellow of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. 1977-1985 Group Leader at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg. 1984-1985 Senior Scientist at the EMBL. 1985-1988 Professor and Head of Department of Biochemistry, University of Dundee, Scotland. 1988-1999 Principal Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Lincoln's Inn Field, London. 1997-1999 Honorary Professor of Biochemistry, University College, London. 1999-2007 Professor of Cell Biology, Yale University School of Medicine. 2007-present Head of the Center for Molecular Biology/Scientific Director, Max. F. Perutz Laboratories. Full CV of Graham Warren (PDF) |
3) Where do you see the University of Vienna in ten years' time and what is important on the way towards it?
The University needs to adopt English as the language for teaching Science at all levels so as to attract the very best students from all over the world. This would help towards establishing Vienna in the upper ranks of world universities.
4) Your academic role model?
Kai Simons (MPI, Dresden). He hired me to EMBL, Heidelberg, and taught me how to run a group.
5) Your favourite place at the University of Vienna?
The courtyard, though the absence of female busts is striking.
6) Which book lies currently on your bedside table?
Ernest Becker's "The Denial of Death" and Somerset Maugham's Short Stories.
| "I studied the Natural Sciences Tripos at Cambridge, specializing in Biochemistry. I also did my PhD in Biochemistry at Cambridge, as shown in the photo", Graham Warren explains. (Photo: private) | |
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