Univ.-Prof. Dr. João Alves

Professur für Stellare Astrophysik an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geographie und Astronomie
Curriculum vitae:
1992 BA in Physics, University of Lisbon, Portugal
1995 Master in Astrophysics, Portugal
1999 PhD in Astrophysics "Seeing the Light Through the Dark: The Structure of Dark Molecular Clouds", University of Lisbon - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA
1999-2001 Post-Doctoral Fellow at the European Southern Observatory, Munich, Germany
2001-2003 European Southern Observatory Staff Astronomer, Munich, Germany
2003-2006 Head of Department, European Southern Observatory, Munich, Germany
2006-2010 Director of the Calar Alto Observatory, Almería, Spain
since 2006 Adjunct Professor at the University of Porto, Portugal
since February 2010, Professor of Stellar Astrophysics, Institute of Astronomy, University of Vienna
Research areas:
* The structure of the Interstellar Medium
* The origins of stars and planets
* Near-infrared instrumentation
* Life in the universe