Univ.-Prof. Dr. Naoise Mac Sweeney

Professur für Klassische Archäologie an der Historisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Curriculum Vitae:
born 1982 in London, UK
2000-2003 Studied BA in Classics at the University of Cambridge
2003-2004 Studied MA in Ancient History at University College London
2004-2006 Curatorial Assistant, Department of Antiquities, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
2004-2007 PhD at the University of Cambridge, with the dissertation title ‘Community Identity in Protohistoric Western Anatolia’
2007-2008 Research Fellow at the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development, UK
2008-2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge
2011-2015 Lecturer at the University of Leicester, UK
2015 Philip Leverhulme Prize in Classics
2015-2020 Associate Professor at the University of Leicester, UK
2017 Research Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, USA
2018 British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award
since October 2020 Principal Investigator ERC Consolidator Grant MIGMAG – Migration and the Making of the Ancient Greek World
since October 2020 Professor of Classical Archaeology at the Department of Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna
Research Areas:
* Greek archaeology and culture from the Iron Age to the Classical periods
* Anatolian archaeology and culture from the Iron Age to the Classical periods
* Cultural interactions in the ancient world
* Ethnic, racial, and cultural identities in the ancient and modern worlds
"My research on migration, cultural interaction, and the manipulation of identities in the ancient world demonstrates that these things are not just features of modern society, but are present throughout human history." (Naoise Mac Sweeney)