Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristin Tessmar-Raible

Professur für Chronobiologie am Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie
Curriculum Vitae:
born 1977 in Germany
1994 3rd prize, Germanywide "Thieme- BIOlogie- Preis"
1996-2001 Scholarship, German National Scholarship Foundation
1997/1998 visiting researcher, Mass.General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, Boston,
USA; Lab of G. Ruvkun
2000-2001 Diploma student (thesis), EMBL, Heidelberg; Lab of J. Wittbrodt
2000-2001 visiting scientist, EMBL, Heidelberg; Lab of J. Wittbrodt
2/2001 Diploma at the University of Heidelberg/ Germany (mark 1, with honors)
2001 visiting scientist, Univ. of Cambridge, UK; Lab of W. Harris
2001-2003 PhD scholarship, Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation
2001-2004 PhD student, Univ. of Marburg, Germany; Lab of M. Hassel
2002-2003 visiting scientist, EMBL, Heidelberg; Lab of D. Arendt
2003 Student participant, 53rd Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau
2004 Young investigator stipend, 6th meeting, German Neuroscience Society
6/2004 PhD at the University of Marburg/ Germany (with honors)
2004-2008 Postdoc, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg,
Germany, Lab of D. Arendt
2007 Robert-Bosch Foundation "Fast Track" Fellowship
2007 Marine Genomics Europe Outstanding Woman in Marine Biological Sciences Award
since June 2008 Junior Group leader, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Centre for Molecular Biology,
University of Vienna, Austria
2009-2015 START Prize (FWF)
2010-2014 HFSP-YIP grant
since 2012 Member and elected delegate of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2012-2016 Research Platform, University of Vienna "Marine Rhythms of Life"
2013 Austrian Neuroscience Association Otto Loewi Award
2014-2018 FENS/Kavli Network of Excellence Scholar
2014-2019 ERC Starting Grant
2015-2018 EMBO Young Investigator programme
2015-2017 Berta-Karlik-Professorship, Center for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna
since September 2017 Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology and Genetics, Center for Molecular Biology, University of Vienna
Research Areas:
Sensory, Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neuroscience, Photobiology, Lunar clocks, Circadian clocks, Evolution, Developmental Biology, Marine Biology;