Eleonora Hendrika Gertruda Mezger-Backus, Professur für Physikalische Chemie
Fakultät für Chemie
"Wasser in Kontakt zu Grenzflächen spielt in technischen Anwendungen wie Wasserstoffproduktion oder auch Benetzungsprozessen eine wichtige Rolle. Um diese Phänomene zu verstehen und technische Prozesse zu optimieren, ist fundiertes Wissen zur Struktur und Dynamik der Grenzfläche auf der molekularen Längen- und Pikosekunden Zeitskala entscheidend." (Ellen Backus)
Die Antrittsvorlesung von Ellen Backus findet am Montag, 30. Mai 2022 um 17 Uhr im Großen Festsaal der Universität Wien (Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien) unter dem Titel "Insights into aqueous interfaces" statt. Invitation to the Inaugural Lecture (PDF)
Research Areas:
* Structure and dynamics of condensed matter
* Mechanism of photocatalytic water splitting
* (Non-)equilibrium molecular scale water structure adjacent to mineral interfaces
* Atmospheric photochemistry * Development of vibrational spectroscopy
Curriculum Vitae:
born 1978 in Beverwijk, the Netherlands
1996-2000 Master (Doctoraal) in Chemistry, final grade "cum laude, with distinction", Thesis in physical chemistry "Photoionization dynamics of the products of the photo-dissociation of 16 valence electron triatomics" University of Amsterdam, NL
2000-2005 Doctorate "Driving and probing surfaces with light", Chemistry Department, Leiden University, NL
2006-2008 Postdoc, NWO Talent stipend and University Zurich "Forschungskredit", "Molecular dynamics of small peptides and lipids with 1D and 2D ultrafast laser spectroscopies", Physical Chemistry Department, University of Zurich, CH
2008-2012 Senior postdoc, independent VENI fellowship, "Vibrational energy transport through model membrane systems", Research Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL
2012-2014 Group leader, "Structure and dynamics of water at interfaces studied with multidimensional sum-frequency generation spectroscopy", Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
2014-2021 Independent Minerva and ERC Starting Grant group leader, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany
2017-2021 Professor by special appointment, "Non-linear spectroscopy of surfaces and interfaces", Physics Department, University of Amsterdam, NL
since October 2018 Professor in Physical Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna