Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Susanne Maria Reiterer

Assoziierte Professur an der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät und am Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung
Curriculum Vitae:
1995 Master of Philosophy (Mag. phil.) in English and Italian Studies at the University of Vienna
1996 Teaching Diploma for English and Italian in higher secondary schools
1996-1997 Teacher of English and Italian, Vienna
1997-1999 Cognitive Neuroscience doctorate (Studium Irregulare) at the Universities of Vienna and Budapest
1999-2002 Praedoc fellow at the Centre for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, PhD in Biological Psychology
2003-2004 Postdoc Researcher at the Neurology Department, University Clinic Tübingen
2004-2006 Postdoc Researcher at the Institute of Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart
2006-2011 Postdoc Investigator at Department for Neuroradiology, Section for MR imaging of the CNS, Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University Clinic Tübingen
2011 Guest Professor at English Department, University of Vienna
2011-2012 Senior Lecturer English Department, University of Tübingen
2012-2013 Assistant Professor at Fachdidaktikzentrum (FDZ) / Sprachlehr-Lernforschung, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies, University of Vienna
2013-2015 Head of Unit of Language Learning and Teaching Research, University of Vienna
2015-2016 Assistant Professor at Department of Linguistics and Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna
since July 2016 Associate Professor at the Department of Linguistics and the Department for Teacher Education, University of Vienna
Research Area:
* Cognitive Neuroscience of Second Language Processing and Acquisition
* Individual differences in language learning aptitude / ability
* Hyperpolyglottism, ultimate attainment, giftedness in language learning
* Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics
* Educational Neuroscience, Multilingualism
* Brain Imaging