Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Marta Luciani
Assoziierte Professur für Altorientalische Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte an der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Curriculum Vitae:
since 1986 over 35 campaigns of archaeological excavations and surveys in Italy, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
1991 M.A. (laurea) in Ancient Near Eastern History at the University of Padua, Italy, with honours
1992-1996 PhD in Mesopotamian Studies, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples, Italy with Three-year full PhD scholarship
1996-1999 Postdoc Specialization (specializzazione) in Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, with honours, University of Pisa, Italy with Three-year full Specialization scholarship
1999-2005 Vice-Director of the Italian component of the joint mission at Tell Mishrifeh/Qatna, Syria (Universities of Udine and Verona)
2000-2001 Contract Professor for Ancient Middle and Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Udine (Gorizia), Italy
2000-2004 Researcher positions on archaeological projects at the University of Udine, Italy
2003-2008 Contract Professor for Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, University of Verona, Italy
since August 2004 Lecturer of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History, Institut für Orientalistik, University of Vienna
2004-2005 Field director of the Italian team within the joint research project at Tavium, province of Yozgat, Turkey (Universities of Klagenfurt, Udine, Verona and Trieste)
2007 Birth of the first child and maternity leave
2007 Habilitation at the University of Vienna: venia legendi for Archaeology and History of the Ancient Near East
2007-2012 Head of the training programme in archaeological conservation and museum management for Saudi Arabian female graduate students and museum employees at the National Museum, Riyadh (German Academic Exchange Service/DAAD, German Archaeological Institute/DAI, Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities/SCTA, King Saud University, Riyadh)
since May 2010 Tenure as Lecturer of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History, Institut für Orientalistik, University of Vienna
2010 Birth of the second child and maternity leave
since 2011 Co-Director of the German-Austrian Northwest Sulaimaniyah Survey and Excavations at Chemchemal, Autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan (DAI, University of Vienna and Sulaimaniyah Directorate of Antiquities)
since September 2011 Assistant Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History, Institut für Orientalistik, University of Vienna
since 2013 Study of the excavation records from ancient Nuzi, Harvard Semitic Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
since 2014 Director of the Austrian-Saudi Archaeological Project at Qurayyah, Saudi Arabia (University of Vienna and SCTA)
since September 2014 Associate Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and History, Institut für Orientalistik, University of Vienna
Research Areas:
* Archaeology: Settlement and funerary archaeology of Bronze and Iron Age Mesopotamia, Syria, Anatolia and the Arabian Peninsula. Landscape archaeology, methods and techniques of field archaeology, gender archaeology in the Ancient Near East. Member of the FSP "Visuelle Kulturgeschichte - Kulturen und Medien des Visuellen", University of Vienna.
* History: Historical geography and regional studies of Syria and Mesopotamia.
* Capacity building: Training and empowering female colleagues in today's Near East.