Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bojan Zagrovic, BA

Professur für Molekulare Biophysik am Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie
Curriculum Vitae:
born 1974 in Croatia
1991 3rd Prize in the National Competition in Mathematics, Croatia
1993 MIOC Zagreb, Croatia, high-school diploma
1993-1995 Pacem In Terris Fellowship, La Roche College and Pacem in Terris Institute
1993-1995 Dean's List, La Roche College
1995-1997 John Harvard Scholarship, Harvard University
1996 Ford Summer Research Fellowship, Harvard University
1997 Harvard University, MA, USA, AB in Biochemical Sciences (magna cum laude)
1997-2000 Stanford Graduate Fellowship (Lucille P. Markey Fellow)
1998-2003 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowship
2002 Sun Microsystems Award, BCATS Symposium (best talk), Stanford, CA, USA
2003 McGraw-Hill Award (best talk), European Protein Society Meeting, Florence, Italy
2004 Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, PhD in Biophysics
2004-2007 ETH Zurich, Switzerland, EMBO postdoctoral fellow, group of Wilfred F. van Gunsteren
2005-2007 EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship
2007-2010 Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences, Split, Croatia, group leader, scientific director (2007/08)
2008 Tomorrow's PI - one of 30 top young molecular biologists worldwide, Genome Technology magazine
2008 NZZ/EMBO YIP Installation Fellow
2010-2015 University of Vienna, Austria, assistant professor
2010 START Prize, FWF Austrian Science Fund
2011 ERC Starting Independent grant
2013 member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2015-2017 Associate Professor, Department of Structural and Computational Biology, University of Vienna
since September 2017 Professor, Department of Structural and Computational Biology, University of Vienna
Research Areas:
Computational and experimental studies of biomolecular structure, dynamics and interactions including:
* classical atomistic molecular dynamics simulations
* protein-protein and RNA-protein interactions, induced fit, conformational selection
* evolution of the genetic code and RNA-protein interactions
* conformational entropy in biomolecular interactions
* structure, dynamics and interactions of proteins in crowded environments
* conformational averaging and its influence on biomolecular structure determination