Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexander Somek

Professur für Rechtsphilosophie und Methodenlehre der Rechtswissenschaften an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Curriculum Vitae:
1979 High School Diploma with Highest Honours
1984 Master of Law with Highest Honors and Doctor Iuris, University of Vienna
1984-1985 Research Fellow at the Institute for Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
1985-1993 Assistant Professor of Law at the Institute for Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
1988-1989 "Erwin Schrödinger" Grant: Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School
1992 Habilitation for Legal Philosophy and Le-gal Theory in the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
1993 Visiting Professor at the University of Kansas School of Law
1993 Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna (tenured position)
1998 Fulbright Fellowship: lectures and research in the United States, University of Pennsylvania, Washington University, University of Kansas
1999 Visiting Professor at the University of Kansas School of Law
2000 Parson's Visitor at the Law School of the University of Sydney, Australia
2001 Habilitation for Constitutional Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna
2001-2003 Vice-Director of the interdisciplinary postgraduate program on European Studies, University of Vienna
2001-2003 Chairman of the working group on ethics and moral philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna
2002 Robert O. Daniel Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, University of Iowa College of Law
2003 Professor of Law, University of Iowa College of Law (tenured position)
2004-2006 Co-Director of the European Studies Program of the University of Iowa
2006-2015 Charles E. Floete Chair in Law, University of Iowa
2007-2008 Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin
2012-2013 Law and Public Policy Fellow and Visiting Professor at Princeton University
2013 Visiting Professor in the Law Department of the London School of Economics and Political Science
2014 Visiting Research Professor in the Institute for Philosophy of the University of Vienna
since August 2015 Professor of Legal Philosophy and Methodology of Legal Studies, Department of Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture, University of Vienna
Research Areas:
* Constitutionalism beyond the nation state (Konstitutionalismus jenseits des Nationalstaats)
* The Concept of Legality (Der Begriff der Legalität)
* The Theory of Legal Knowledge (Theorie rechtlichen Wissens)