
Fig. 1: A picture of a group of whitetip reef sharks (Triaenodon obesus) resting under a table coral off the coast of Indonesia.


Sharks and rays benefit from global warming - but not from CO2 in the Oceans

Even positive effects do not compensate for the complex dangers of climate change

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Fig. 1: Scientific illustration of the experiment where two particles in two laser beams are coupled nonreciprocally through light scattered between them. This interaction makes them move along specific orbits such that the particles follow each other (the yellow circles are the experimental records of the motion of each particle).

Nonreciprocal interactions go nonlinear

Predator-prey analogy: Novel interaction between particles enabled

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Fig. 1: The nucleus of the diatom in bright blue

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The "Queen of the Night" does not whistle

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Fig. 1: Lab Setup

Quantum entanglement measures Earth rotation

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The Alpha Persei star cluster: An optical image of the Alpha Persei star cluster from the second Digitized Sky Survey (DSS-II).

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Picture of a salad

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Fig. 1: Graphic about the decay and fission of magnetic quivers.

Groundbreaking Progress in Quantum Physics: How Quantum Field Theories Decay and Fission

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