Recent releases

Fig. 1: Bivalve shells.

Northern Adriatic: collapse of predator-prey relationships from the 1950s onwards

Palaeontologists trace the influence of humans using predatory snail boreholes

25.09.2024 | [weiter]

Picture of a hand with micro plastic

20 years of microplastics research: time to act

Urgency of a global agreement

19.09.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: From left to right: David Gómez-Varela, Torsten Mueller und Ronald Maier.

The University of Vienna opens the Center of Excellence for Metaproteomics in collaboration with Bruker

New cooperation combines cutting-edge research with state-of-the-art technology

19.09.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Sea cows

An Unexpected Result: The Mammalian Inner Ear is a Striking Example of Convergent evolution

Mammals with distant evolutionary ties but similar ecological roles evolved comparable inner ear shapes

17.09.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Marine sediments hosting abundant fossils dated in the Late Miocene, from about 8 to 7 million years ago.

How a salt giant radically reshaped Mediterranean marine biodiversity

First quantification of a major ecological crisis and recovery

29.08.2024 | [weiter]

Picture of a poster saying "There is no planet B"

Scientific consensus can strengthen pro-climate attitudes in society

A new study clearly shows how important it is to emphasize consensus among climate scientists

26.08.2024 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: The demonstration of MolCompass illustrates how a computational toxicologist can identify concerning areas of chemical space.

'Molecular Compass' points way to Reduction of Animal Testing

Scientists Develop Smart Software Tool for Chemical Risk Evaluation

20.08.2024 | [weiter]