Sharks and rays benefit from global warming - but not from CO2 in the Oceans
Even positive effects do not compensate for the complex dangers of climate change
Even positive effects do not compensate for the complex dangers of climate change
Astrophysicists were able to quantify the mass loss of stars via their stellar winds
12.04.2024 | [weiter]
Advancement to the top 100 in the World Reputation Rankings 2023 - 2nd place for internationality in German-speaking countries in an evaluation by "THE Student"
10.04.2024 | [weiter]
It all depends on the linking: How ring polymers move
02.04.2024 | [weiter]
New fossil ray species discovered in Bavarica, Germany: Aellopobatis bavarica from the Late Jurassic
21.03.2024 | [weiter]
Error in established calculation method discovered
19.03.2024 | [weiter]
Checkpoint PHDGH in tumor-associated macrophages influences immune response and tumor growth
27.02.2024 | [weiter]
New findings enable more accurate prediction of the carbon cycle
23.02.2024 | [weiter]
The new results also make it clear that human noise in the oceans severely restricts the animals
21.02.2024 | [weiter]