Sharks and rays benefit from global warming - but not from CO2 in the Oceans
Even positive effects do not compensate for the complex dangers of climate change
Even positive effects do not compensate for the complex dangers of climate change
New chemical reaction with potential applications in medicinal chemistry
16.05.2024 | [weiter]
Better understanding of this natural formation process offers potential for technical developments
13.05.2024 | [weiter]
Adaptation of the photosynthetic mechanism in air plants (Tillandsia) occurs through gene duplication
30.04.2024 | [weiter]
Only a few tree species are flexible enough to survive a century of rapid climate change
29.04.2024 | [weiter]
New unusual giant virus discovered in wastewater treatment plant near Vienna
24.04.2024 | [weiter]
As desertification spreads worldwide, scientists discover how desert microbes endure harsh drought periods
17.04.2024 | [weiter]
Flowering plant-type leaf veins died out and re-evolved several times in the course of the Earth's history
16.04.2024 | [weiter]