
Fig. 1: Picture of a wild rabbit


Conservation paradox: Invasive species are often threatened in their native range

Non-native animals are a threat to biodiversity, yet many are themselves threatened with extinction in their areas of origin

 Recent releases

A professor is standing in front of a blackboard, holding a microphone in one hand and explaining something.

List of experts on Planetary Health

10 experts from the University of Vienna who do research on the topic of Planetary Health

13.04.2023 | [weiter]

Tired looking woman sitting on a couch

Tired of being alone: How social isolation impacts on our energy

Eight hours without social contact can lead to a reduction in energy similar to eight hours without food

04.04.2023 | [weiter]

Portraitfoto von Manuela Ciotti

ERC Advanced Grant for scientist from the University of Vienna

Manuela Ciotti from the Faculty of Social Sciences receives award

30.03.2023 | [weiter]

People in a gallery, some standing, some sitting, some walking in front of a wall with abstract paintings.

How people move in front of an art work can impact their experience

The objective measurement of the ways in which people move in front of art shows that there are four different groups that also report different art experiences.

29.03.2023 | [weiter]

A couple with masks sitting on a park bench underneath a tree.

The key role of partners and children in pandemic prevention

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people with partners and children were more likely to adopt precautions and to get vaccinated

21.03.2023 | [weiter]

Gruppenfoto des Board of Directors des Clusters of Excellence "Microbes Drive Planetary Health"

Five Cluster of Excellence

Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health" awarded to the University of Vienna, also in all other clusters the University of Vienna has a prominent position

13.03.2023 | [weiter]

Sammelbild mit Portraitfotos aller 30 beteiligten Wissenschafter*innen.

How microbiomes are influencing our planet’s health

Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health"

13.03.2023 | [weiter]

Image of Mozart bending over a patient.

The Mozart effect myth: Listening to music does not help against epilepsy

A new study by psychologists at the University of Vienna shows that there is no scientific evidence supporting the alleged positive effect of Mozart's Sonata KV448 on epilepsy.

06.03.2023 | [weiter]