Recent releases

A hexagonal lattice of bright dots connected by less bright dots. One bright dot and its three connections are missing, leaving a dark triangular gap.

Shining potential of missing atoms

Single-atom vacancies in atomically thin insulators created in ultra-high vacuum

14.06.2023 | [weiter]

Abb. 1: African cycad Encephalartos altensteinii Lehm in the Botanical Garden of the University of Naples "Federico II"

Dynamic plants: Origin and geographic evolution of cycads clarified

Distribution in the Mesozoic from present-day Antarctica to Greenland

13.06.2023 | [weiter]

In the foreground two people with sunglasses looking into the camera, surrounded by icy sea. In the background a research vessel and, behind that, snow-covered mountains.

The Rise of Pelagic Fungi and their Crucial Role in Oceanic Ecosystems

Mycoplankton plays an active role in the degradation of organic matter and the cycling of nutrients

05.06.2023 | [weiter]

University of Vienna to lead new 4-year EU project on nature-based therapies

The goal is a collection of open-access Nature-based Therapy Guides for different stakeholders, practitioners and policy makers

01.06.2023 | [weiter]

Picture of the seashore

Consistent link between the seaside and better health

15-country study confirms that people living near or visiting the seaside enjoy better health

24.05.2023 | [weiter]

Picture of the Baron Award winner Emanuel Tov

Emanuel Tov wins second Baron Award

For Scholarly Excellence in Research of the Jewish Experience

24.05.2023 | [weiter]

Picture of a patient, lying in the hospital, next to him two doctors

Covid-19 vaccination reduces mortality also in critically ill corona patients

A study from the University of Vienna shows a positive effect of vaccination even in patients requiring oxygen.

23.05.2023 | [weiter]

Picture of some representative comb jellies

Genetic research offers new perspective on the early evolution of animals

Mapping gene linkages provides clear-cut evidence for comb jellies as sibling group to all other animals

17.05.2023 | [weiter]