
Fig. 1: The nucleus of the diatom in bright blue


Long-standing marine mystery solved: How algae get nitrogen to grow

Newly discovered symbiosis between Rhizobia and diatoms could also open new avenues for agriculture

 Recent releases

Fig. 1: Some adult individuals watch over the newly-hatched Europasaurus chicks which are leaving the nest to join their herd. Commissioned artwork by Davide Bonadonna.

What the inner ear of Europasaurus reveals about its life

A long-necked dinosaur from northern Germany was precocial

20.12.2022 | [weiter]

Tired woman

Long COVID: New evidence for cause of fatigue syndrome

Not excessive inflammatory reaction, but anti-inflammatory substances as triggers

15.12.2022 | [weiter]

Fig. 1: Summary of atmospheric transport from the Tropical Pacific Ocean. Solid arrows show an increase in mass transport during El Niño; dashed arrows a decrease. Blue arrows show the transport of relatively moist air to anomalously moist local conditions (marked with blue shading), while brown arrows show transport of dry air to anomalously dry local conditions (brown shading). Red circles show transport of warm air aloft that favors stable conditions. Orange shading shows transport of anomalously greater amount of heat from the Pacific Ocean to the Tropical Atlantic. Copyright: Baier et al. 2022, Geophysical Research Letters. CC BY 4.0

Transport of air masses in connection with "El Niño" decoded

Viennese meteorologists: Transport of air mass from the Pacific Ocean explains weather conditions associated with El Niño in North America, South America and Australia

06.12.2022 | [weiter]

Pic. 1: In this experiment, participants had the opportunity to enlarge the artworks and explore them in great detail. (C: ARTMYN)

Novel interactive technology boosts people’s enjoyment with artworks

However, the interactive technology did not improve memory for the artworks

23.11.2022 | [weiter]

Roof of the University of Vienna with a golden statue in front

Ten highly cited researchers at the University of Vienna

The 2022 list of most highly cited researchers worldwide contains ten academics of the University of Vienna. They conduct research at the Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of Life Sciences, the Faculty of Computer Science, the Centre for...

15.11.2022 | [weiter]

Abb. 1: Human mesenchymal stem cells were differentiated into fat cells and the fat vacuoles were stained:  stem cells and their differentiation products contain specific fatty sweet surface structures (glycolipids) that help distinguish them from each other.

Profiling of fatty sweet molecules on cell surfaces

New method enables measurement of glycolipids; now their relevance in cancer will be investigated

27.10.2022 | [weiter]

Main Building University of Vienna

Top positions in the THE Subject Ranking

The University of Vienna is again ranked in nine of eleven categories in this year’s THE World University Rankings by subject. In all nine categories, the University ranks among the top 200 universities worldwide.

27.10.2022 | [weiter]

Main building of the University of Vienna

ERC Synergy Grant for shining light on the interplay between gravity and the quantum world

"GRAVITES" – exploring how quantum entangled particles gravitate

25.10.2022 | [weiter]