Restart of the Schrödinger Institute as a research platform at the University of Vienna
16. September 2011
Erwin Schrödinger, pictured 1927 in Berlin (Credit: Carl Wolf).
The future of the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) is secured. The internationally renowned institute will be continued as a research platform at the University of Vienna. On Wednesday, 21 September 2011, ESI will celebrate its restart, attended by Rector Georg Winckler and the designated Rector Heinz W. Engl as well as ESI Director Joachim Schwermer. The French mathematician Wendelin Werner will give a lecture on "random surfaces and their geometry".
After a period in which the institute’s survival was jeopardized, the scientists of the Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) now have reason to rejoice: the highly reputable institute has continued to exist as a research platform at the University of Vienna since 1 June 2011. In addition to the name, ESI’s location in Vienna's street Boltzmanngasse remains the same. The institute receives funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research until 2014 –which may be extended to 2015, the end of the next performance agreement period.
"We are delighted that we were able to deepen the already existing relationships between the researchers of the University of Vienna and ESI," says Rector Georg Winckler. New scientific questions often arise on the borders of disciplines. To encourage these questions’ development the University of Vienna has developed a new instrument. "The instrument used, the research platform, supports especially innovative, inter-disciplinary fields of research such as ESI," explains Heinz W. Engl, Vice-Rector for Research and Career Development and designated Rector of the University of Vienna.
A centre of European dimension
Since ESI's establishment in 1992 it has contributed significantly to Vienna's position as centre for mathematics and mathematical physics. "With the new organisational structure, we want to pursue ESI's aims and further enhance its international reputation," says Joachim Schwermer, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Vienna. He was appointed director of the institute by Rector Georg Winckler.
"Our aim is to provide outstanding scientists from the disciplines of mathematics and physics with a forum to exchange ideas and to network. The visibility of the University of Vienna and the performance of its researchers are to be strengthened through ESI," Winckler agrees with Engl and Schwermer. These aims are realized in multiple ways: including up to six annual programme focuses, workshops, conferences, summer schools and invitations to visiting scientists.
On 21 September 2011 ESI celebrates its restart with a lecture given by the French mathematician Wendelin Werner. The professor at the University of Paris-Sud was Fields Medalist in 2006, one of the top honours a mathematician can receive. He will talk about "random surfaces and their geometry" thereby addressing a current field of research important for both mathematics and mathematical physics. Rector Georg Winckler and ESI Director Joachim Schwermer will give the opening address.
Further information
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Cornelia Blum
University of Vienna
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