List of experts on Planetary Health
13. April 2023
10 experts from the University of Vienna who do research on the topic of Planetary Health
The topic of "Planetary Health" is considered by experts at the University of Vienna across all research fields. Here we introduce 10 scientists from ecology and chemistry, psychology, social and behavioural research and German studies.
Ecology & Chemistry
Environmental pollutants: microplastics, nanomaterials. Solutions for the most urgent environmental problems of today and tomorrow. Research Platform Plastics in the Environment and Society, Climate Hub
Christina Kaiser (contact, homepage) – Terrestrial Ecosystem Research
Microbial communities as complex systems: material cycles in the soil (especially C and N). Computer modelling and isotope label measurements. Member of the Board of Directors of the FWF Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health": Role of Microorganisms in Planetary Health.
Nitrifying Microorganisms: Identity and function of non-cultured ammonium-oxidising bacteria and archaea. Development of single cell methods (NanoSIMS). Head of the FWF Cluster of Excellence "Microbiomes Drive Planetary Health": Role of Microorganisms in Planetary Health.
Effects of food and environmental molecules on human health: exposure, metabolism and toxicity of food and active substances. Next-generation human biomonitoring
Society & Language
Science, Technology and Society: Participation and Governance of Science/Technology in Democratic Societies and Science Communication. ERC Advanced Grant Innovation Residues: Innovation residues that accompany people's lives for a long time.
Anthropocene: Narratives of catastrophe, conceptualisations of climate.
Health, economy and ecology: Ecological footprint in the production of medicines, our health behaviour, a look at antibiotic-producing countries
Patrick Sakdapolrak (contact, homepage) – Population Geography and Demography
Population dynamics in the context of environmental changes and development processes. Resilience of populations at the nexus of social and ecological risks. Sustainable development and the improvement of the livelihood of vulnerable groups.
Behaviour & Psychology
Tilman Kühn (contact, homepage) – Public Health and Nutrition
Nutrition under the impact of climate and environmental crisis: primary prevention of diet-related diseases, plant-based nutrition
Perceptions and behavioural changes: Protection of the marine environment, marine litter and microplastics, and energy efficiency.
Further inquiry
Mag. Alexandra Frey
Media Relations ManagerUniversität Wien
1010 - Wien, Universitätsring 1